Sunday, 19 February 2012


The title Mumblings, Musings and Mutterings being too long and its derivatives having already been taken, we have decided to limit ourselves to the title My Mutters as expressive of the thoughts that we will jot down in this blog. You may get the feeling that the authors are not entirely understanding of, or necessarily comfortable with, the modern world. This is not the case. Don't think that we are simply grumpy old men and women. We think we are the rational ones: it is the rest of the world that has got things out or proportion.

It is difficult to know where this stream of consciousness will take us. Certainly, we will highlight absurdities where we find them - a rich seam currently being the ability of arts-funding organisations to confuse creativity with novelty: to believe that someone who stands on his head for three days is making a statement about world peace and the importance of chocolate in the diet of the western world and therefore deserving of vast sums of money.

Living in Cornwall, we also have the delight of very local 'high quality' journalism typified by the long-remembered headline from a respected London local newspaper Cat Show Fails to Disappoint. To this day, we have been unable to work out exactly what the journalist was trying to say and can only guess how the organisers reacted to the piece.

It is with just such a stirring piece of cutting edge journalism that we start our journey into the unknown. Enjoy the voyage.