Sunday, 26 February 2012

Jargon time

We think we need a new category: jargon time. A friend (PPE from Cambridge) sent us the following, remarking that he had no idea what they were actually about. It is like one of those random-word generator games.

‘Created by a group of leftfield (sic) change makers and thought leaders, SU: Alliance is a new breed of social enterprise. With decades of experience in the fields of social innovation and urban planning, we act as a catalyst for local authorities and social investment agencies  to do action-based research that will inform policy through achieving profitable social impact . Our purpose is to act as an intermediary to realise and scale social change; to overcome barriers to progress; to achieve more with less and to work with entrepreneurs, committed to applying their unique leadership and commercial skills in the building of value-based sustainable communities.  We will start in London.

‘Our business model is predicated on the belief that smart values can and will be the bedrock of an alliance of likeminded individuals and organizations who come together to achieve profitable gains aligned to social and environmental returns. Our purpose is therefore to align CIVIC, CORPORATE and SOCIAL investment objectives to work collaboratively so that we can accelerate change. We believe that all these institutional sectors are increasingly committed to achieving similar results. All three use the same success factors. They all want to see, in all they do:
  • deep IMPACT
  • measurable OUTCOMES, and
  • high PROFILE
‘Our ambitions are to realise all of these through our core activities of DOING, LEARNING and INFLUENCING.

‘We want to make massive small change in our towns and cities. We want to address the role that districts, neighbourhoods and quarters have in improving urban growth by finding integrated approaches to change. Multiple interactions make up the complexity of urban society and in turn affect our rapidly changing world. We are set up to challenge this complexity and accelerate movement towards a more resilient, talented and civil city. To meet this challenge, we have created a game changing social enterprise business that brings together smart people with the assets and resources.’

Prizes will be awarded to the first correct solution. Oh, and for good measure the organisation’s email address is almost embarrassingly easy to