Sunday, 26 February 2012

'A self-propelled underwater wheelchair is part of a surprising and unexpected spectacle'

It is probably unfair to target the London 2012 Cultural Olympiad Programme as it is like shooting fish in a barrel. But here is an extract from their website about a planned event - or should that be 'installation' -  produced by artist Sue Austin:

An ambitious series of performances by a self-propelled underwater wheelchair, which leaves traces of its joy and freedom as it flies along mid-water with its human occupant.

As you watch, this surprising and unexpected spectacle transforms your perception of the wheelchair as you too become part of the artwork.

Additionally an online debate will take place to explain the dramatic and often disorientating image of the wheelchair sweeping gracefully along.

Freewheeling is an emerging disability-led initiative dedicated to promoting the concept of disability arts as something of unique society – the 'hidden secret'.

Sue Austin’s performances aim to generate a widespread public debate about the nature and value of contemporary arts practice shaped by the experience of disability.

Unlimited is principally funded by the National Lottery through the Olympic Lottery Distributor and is delivered in partnership between London 2012, Arts Council England, Creative Scotland, Arts Council of Wales, Arts Council of Northern Ireland and the British Council.

In a press release, the artists said she was looking forward to the project which would 'mean that we can continue to contribute to the "conversation" about the value of diversity to society on a much more ambitious and wide reaching scale.

'This provides a unique creative opportunity, producing an exciting and stimulating visual experience which combines both performance and digital media to create a stimulating audience engagement and interaction opportunity with tangible artistic legacy. Our involvement in the project recognises the potential for the development of 360 degree imagery as a realistic creative medium.'

Apparently, the wheelchair 'acts as a portal that pushes one through to new levels of consciousness or awareness of life.'

There are more exciting explanations here.

This is the first of our posts to be included in two themes: Creative and jargon. Congratulations.