How strange that we all rejoiced in the election of M Macron as President of France using a system of STV but avoid it in the UK. We note that the Tories wish to get rid of STV for the election of the London Mayor, presumably as it doe snot give them the result they want (a 'strong and stable' one party state).
And then there is the role of MPs. We have to find a better way of encouraging regular and informed consultation if people are to feel engaged and enfranchised. One vote every five years is laughable given the speed of modern communications and the pace of life.
Yes, Proportional Representation would result in more coalitions but might this not be a good thing? Autocratic rule by one or other of the two largest parties cannot be the right answer for the long-term. The British people are not all one thing or all the other: the balance of their views is probably just to the right or left of centre. A more balanced House of Commons would reflect this.