Tuesday, 6 November 2018

And the plan is ... ?

Laura Kuenssberg reports on the BBC website today that Theresa May was at a Monday night reception in Westminster and talked about how, 'in her view, Brexit gives the government a big chance to reform the country'.

Interesting to hear but exactly how is the country 'going to be reformed' and are we allowed a say in what this might be?

The sad state of politics today is such that everything has now been reduced to a soundbite.

Did any one actually read and consider the Tory manifesto before voting in the general election? Did our revered Prime Minister go out on the stump spelling out the way in which she believed that the country could or should be 'reformed'? Was there any sort of 'debate' about her vision of a newly reformed country?

No, of course not. All we got was a repeat, and repeat and ... of 'Strong and Stable'. Is that how we plan our futures nowadays?

So where's the plan?
  • There was no plan for Brexit before the referendum.
  • No plan for Brexit was shared with the public after Brexit (was there one to share?)
  • David Davis lied his way through the 58 sectoral analyses which were the basis for his negotiating plan.
  • 'Chequers' - the nearest thing to a plan that has appeared, was shot out of the water by the EU's first salvo.
Now, apparently the country is going to be reformed. How? Why? Where's the plan.

No competent business would operate like this. Why do we accept it from our government?