Monday, 29 October 2012

The Regions

We enjoyed the Independent's '50 Best Museums and gallerieswhich identified the following regions of the the UK:

Wales: no argument here. It is the standard by which everywhere else is measured even though no one actually knows the size of Wales, even if you live there: there is North Wales and South Wales and lots of lambs in between. Still, it is good to know that Ruritania is half the size of Wales.

South-west and London: this is the well-known region which runs from Lands End to Ilford. Out of the twelve museums and galleries selected in thie region, nine are in London and three in the south-west: one in Bath, one in Bristol and one in Exeter. Good call, that's one within three hours' drive.

South-east and Midlands: anyone going near London will have to shut their eyes for a bit.

North: no argument here either. You start to notice it in North London where the signs used to say Hatfield and the North and Aylesbury and the North West. I have never quite worked out why these two particular towns were singled out: they seem an odd choice. You know you have arrived in the North, not when you pass Watford but when you reach the M18 Doncaster bypass where a sign used to say simply The North. When you see angels you are beginning to run out of North ... and are heading for ...

Scotland and Northern Ireland: a real gem of political correctness. Had we been back 2000 years with the Picti and Scoti then this might have been credible but I wonder if they have noticed that the plantation of Northern Ireland by Lowland Scots five hundred years ago did not go down terribly well and has been a source of tension ever since?

Wars have been fought for less. Perhaps it is not only Apple who needs a geography lesson.