Monday, 29 October 2012

So that's clear then

We are becoming very familiar with intermediary organisations - or 'bridge' organisations are they are now known. These are the sorts of bodies which get between you and a main funder and syphon off money which could go to the frontline in the interests of 'coordinating' and 'bringing together'. In reality, they are stepping into the gaps left by the bonfire of the quangos who have had to reduce staff and reach, and in so doing have retired into their ivory towers. See our earlier post

We were offered the following summary paragraphs about one bridge organisation today:
  • In places of least engagement, it will strengthen networks and working relationships to develop innovative solutions to the variety of challenges that these areas face
  • It will be looking to support and build strong connections and relationships across the region to ensure they provide the best possible offer to ... in our region
I am glad we have cleared that up. Looking to seems particularly carefully chosen in the second. Is anyone any the wiser as to what do they actually do ...?

Greater fleas have little fleas upon their backs to bite 'em ...