A wonderful sentence from Lucy Mangan in the Guardian magazine this week. She points out that A Level results are due to be published this week and bemoans the usual ill-informed fuss about Oxbridge candidates 'all being from independent schools' that will be bound to emerge, conveniently filling newspaper pages during the silly season after the Olympics. She says:
The fact that '... inequalities of opportunity [in education] are further encouraged by ... policy after policy stinks. And the reek will be even worse this year than ever, as free schools and assorted other ideas farted from the ever-noxious bumhole that is Michael Gove pollute the atmosphere and fog the once-shining egalitarian comprehensive system so thoroughly that it is hard to perceive even its outline any more.'
There is something wonderfully 16th or 17th century about the directness of such language. One wonders whether the PM might notice and move the orifice to some darker corner of government come September.