The Daily Mail/Mail on Sunday have done it again: making a wholly uninformed political point out of real tragedy of our time. Their front page article says that Comic Relief peddled ...'socialist nonsense and [made] absurd claims about the scale of poverty in Britain.'
'Some MPs' it went on, claimed that it was 'a political attack on Theresa May's government.'
So, in one blow, the Mail on Sunday managed to take all the joy out of the incredible fundraising effort by Comic Relief and to spread yet more falsehoods to be lapped up by their adoring (and ill-informed) readers.
For two rather more reliable (aka truthful) views, it is worth reading UN Special Envoy Professor Philip Alston's 2018 Report which says, amongst other things: '... poverty is a political choice ...'
Or the Joseph Rowntree Trust's report (December 2018)
But hey, who believes in experts when there is a political mud to throw. How can they call themselves a 'newspaper with such tripe?