The news that there is to be a General Election on 8 June fills us with mixed emotions ranging from fear to terror.
It is clearly the era of the 'strong leader'. Putin is everyone's pin-up with Xi Jinping close behind. Trump has learned from both, as has Erdogan. It is much easier to rule by decree in a one party state but the lack of accountability, the lack of checks and balances, the lack of questioning shows it has nothing to do with democracy. It is the tyranny of the majority.
Now Theresa seeks to follow their examples. All hail President May!
The only consolation for those of who take a long vision, is that all previous examples of 'strong leaders' have eventually drifted back to more balanced, considered forms of democracy but not before many, many people have been hurt economically, socially and in worse ways. It is little consolation that history judges 'strong' leaders harshly.