Tuesday, 20 December 2016

Bringing people together

Sarah Olney, the newly-elected MP for Richmond Park put it well in her maiden speech:

'It is my belief that Parliament can be a positive force in bringing together the two sides of the Brexit debate.

'If the arguments can be aired openly, questions answered thoughtfully and votes taken on all the significant points of difference, then each British citizen will see that their point of view is being represented, whichever way they voted in June.'

Now that would be a radical move for this government which refuses to engage in any detail, which 'does not recognise' inconvenient truths and which has done nothing to heal the divisions between those who voted to Leave and those who voted to Remain. We are simply told to 'listen to the voice of the British people' and 'get over it, you lost!'

Sarah ended her speech:

'Such benefits [of collaboration with our nearest neighbours in trade, education, environment, security and well-being] should not be carelessly thrown aside without a careful, sober and detailed examination of what the consequences will be.'

Hear, hear.