The Silly Season is over. Or is it?
Our gallant PM called a meeting of her cabinet at Chequers to which Ministers were bidden to arrive with ideas on how to make the most of Brexit. This photo shows that Boris came well-prepared. He seems to have followed his usual practice of talking without any facts at his disposal.
She appeared on the Andrew Marr show today, her first major interview since the summer and prior to the G20 meeting in Tokyo. She warned that 'Brexit may bring some "difficult times" ahead'.
That's funny. When people warned that Brexit would lead to such problems during the campaign, they were shot down in flames: accused of lying and indulging in 'Project Fear'. It is OK now is it?
And I bet the 'difficult times' will hit the poorest and most-remote-from-Westminster hardest.
Arch-Brexiteer, Crispin Blunt supported the line that migration was the one issue that needed sorting. So it was not about 'taking back control'; not about kicking Westminster in the teeth; not about the disparity of investment in different parts of the country; not about providing another £350m a week to the NHS ... no, it was all about migration from Europe (the smaller part of migration into the UK). As banners at the March for Europe said this weekend 'Fixit not Brexit!'
At the G20, Obama and Tokyo's Prime Minister have both repeated their view that Brexit is the wrong answer for the UK.
It will be interesting to see how the Hinckley Point decision changes once the Chinese have 'had useful conversations with' (aka 'done over') our Prime Minister (who was advised by her spooks to undress under the bedclothes to avoid spy cameras). It is so good to think that we are making the big change to cut ourselves off from our nearest neighbours to be able to do business with such luminaries of human rights as China, Russia and Brazil.
Then President May said that an Australian points-based system was not a silver bullet, overturning yet another of the Brexiteers' favourite policies.
Leaving the EU is the wrong answer to all the Brexiteers' questions. When will someone put a stop to the nonsense?
The only light relief is the New Statesman's schedule to assist the Brexit spin doctors on reasons why the milk and honey is not yet flowing.