Thursday, 4 August 2016

Knowing what you know now ...

Knowing what you know now about Weapons of Mass Destruction in Iraq ...
... would you vote for an invasion?
Or might you argue that the 'arguments' were all a pack of lies?

Knowing what you know now, about:
  • The £350m per week that is not going to be available to fund the NHS
  • That there is no chance that Turkey would be joining the EU in the immediate future
  • That it is unlikely that we will be able to control migration from Europe if we want access to the European Single Market
  • That the UK economy actually benefits financially from migration, not the reverse (London School of Economics) 
  • That we elect our Members of the European Parliament and they vote on EU laws - ie the laws are not passed by faceless bureaucrats
  • That the EU can only make laws on areas that the UK government agrees it can make laws 
  • That the UK needs EU trade more than vice versa
  • That the likely economic impact of Brexit is that there will be a drop of around 2% in incomes with the poor and pensions hit hardest (London School of Economics)
  • ... and that the 'experts' might just have got some of their predictions right ... 
... would you vote to leave the EU?
Or might you argue that the so-called 'arguments' were all a pack of lies?

Let's hope Chilcot has not put the top back on his pen.