Wednesday, 4 March 2015

The stars have it

Astrology is a 'diagnostic tool' that may help the National Health Service and people who say otherwise are 'racist' an MP has claimed. So says an article in my newspaper.

Astrology could be used to 'take huge pressure off doctors' and that one day it would have a role in healthcare.

[The MP] was critical of people 'such as Professor Brian Cox'.

The opposition is based on ... the SIP formula - superstition, ignorance and prejudice. They are deeply prejudiced, and racially prejudiced, which is troubling.

As usual, one is lost for words. I assume his definition of 'racist' is rather different from the rest of the world's.

And as for ignorance: I wonder how good he is at special relativity and understanding spacetime. I know who I would trust to know about the cosmos.

This is not, as one might expect, the outpourings of a UKIP MP but of a Tory one. We must study their manifesto closely.