Monday, 16 December 2013

Christmas spirit

We do, occasionally, enjoy the wry. A recent email gave us much joy. It related to a 'Living Nativity' which was planned for our town. Contrary to expectations, this was not to be the sight of an under-age unmarried mother giving birth in a stable, but was a procession through the town with various 'stations' much like the stations of the cross.

'Can you help us?' started the email, 'the rabbits that were to appear in the Living Nativity are unwell and we need to replace them. Can anyone help?'

Now forgive me, it is is some time since we read the four gospels and our knowledge of the Christmas story is largely based on the words of various carols which we know are not original material, but we cannot, just at the moment, recall that rabbits featured in any significant way in the Bible story. That is not to say that there were no rabbits there, after all the Romans introduced rabbits to Britain and there is no reason to believe that rabbits were not domesticated and living in Palestine in the year 0 AD.

This email was followed a day or two later by another one with the programme. The sixth stage of the journey was to involve the 3 Wise Women and their horses ...

Well, in a modern world of equality, why should they not be Wise Women, despite the images of the stoning in the Life of Brian that come flooding to the mind.

Challenged after the event, the organiser admitted that the camels had actually been Alpacas. Well, at least he had got a camelid but not even our flexible approach to history could quite encompass the idea of a South American mammal having attended the Nativity.

We can't wait to hear the reaction to our Earnest Cleric's question at the next Sunday School: 'Now Johnny, who appeared at the Nativity?'

'Of course there is a lobster. Dnh!' You know the film.